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My Background

Finding Freedom

As a child, I lived in an environment of tension and stress. My parents were constantly fighting, we struggled to make ends meet, and once my siblings were born, I became the live-in babysitter. On top of that, I dealt with verbal, emotional, and physical abuse that kept me feeling trapped and helpless. All I wanted was to escape. I wanted my Cinderella story.


I used to think that escape meant being saved by Prince Charming or being successful at everything. That meant climbing the career ladder, making money, buying a house, and building a family. I took out as many student loans as possible and became the corporate working mom I thought I was supposed to be. I became overworked, exhausted, stressed, and unhappy with my job.


I went through a sort of “third life crisis,” and after lots of effort, sleepless nights, and paying off all my student loans, I found a way to quit my job. The original intent was to try the stay-at-home mom thing, but that didn’t feel right. I knew I wanted something else, but I wasn’t sure what that was.


With little direction, I decided to focus on self-care, a luxury I never allowed myself in the past. I began to exercise more, practice yoga, and meditate. All three gave me an outlet for my emotions and allowed me to break down the walls I had set up for myself. Not only did I feel physically strong, but I also felt mentally strong and, most importantly, free.


Yoga, strength training, and meditation provided the tools to discover my true self and build the strength and resiliency to grow into who I am today. I no longer felt trapped and didn’t need Prince Charming to save me. I saved myself.


I started freesoul wellness because I want others to be free to be their authentic selves. I want to provide the space for them to release what is no longer working and discover what does. Through my offerings, women can feel safe and empowered to achieve their goals and work through physical and mental challenges.

Love Yourself
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